LEGISLATION: EU Policy & Legislation Relevant to the Cartonboard and Carton Industries.

Horst Bitterman, Director General of Pro Carton features in circular packaging round table with Lebensmittel Zeitung

Horst Bitterman, Director General of Pro Carton features in circular packaging round table with Lebensmittel Zeitung

Easy Engineering: Cartonboard, the Circular Economy in Action

Given the scale of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal, there is much uncertainty across the packaging world as industry figures try to untangle what it really means.

PackReport Guest Post: Cardboard represents a living circular economy

Winfried Mühling points out the risks of reusable packaging over recycled cardboard packaging as the direction of the PPWR causes great uncertainty in the packaging world.

Positioning Paper of the Paper, Board and Corrugated Board Value Chain on: “Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation” (PPWR)

Position Paper of the Paper, Board and Corrugated Board Value Chain on: "Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation"

Pro Carton / ECMA Position Paper: The need for clear definitions for paper & board based single-use products.

Pro Carton / ECMA Position Paper: The need for clear definitions for paper & board based single-use products.

What is the latest situation with Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)?

Comments on the current situation with PPWR as it navigates its way through the various Committees in the European Parliament.

Update on the newly-created Marketing and Public Affairs Workstreams from Pro Carton

The latest update from the newly-created Marketing and Public Affairs Workstreams from Pro Carton.

Joint Industry Statement on mandatory re-use and refill targets.

A Joint Industry Statement has been issued in regards to mandatory re-use and refill targets from European Commission.

An interview with Maria Georgiadou, Recycling Manager at Cepi

Pro Carton interviews Maria Georgiadou, Recycling Manager at Cepi, about her new job-sharing role with Cepi – ECMA – Pro Carton.

Fibre Packaging Europe – opinion-editorial in ‘The Parliament’ Magazine

Join us on Paper Packaging Day to learn more about renewable packaging for a #fossilfree Europe!

Recycle vs Reuse. A Consumer Study by Pro Carton with German Consumers.

Two-thirds of German consumers oppose mandatory deposit schemes according to new Pro Carton Consumer Survey.

4evergreen alliance adds beverage packaging design guidance to its fibre-based circularity toolset

The 4evergreen alliance releases version 2 of its Circularity by Design Guideline, with new guidance on how to design beverage packaging that is recyclable from the start.