
For many people, innovation is magic. But most innovation-experts claim that innovation is just the combination of things that have not been combined before. One of these experts is Simon Dewulf from Creax, who has found systematic ways of tackling the problem. He held a highly attentive presentation at the well attended “Packaging Design Summit” on 18./19. May 2010 in Amsterdam.
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Global Leadership

The Global Summit 2010, the first global conference of the Consumer Goods Forum in London, was an overwhelming success. Interest among the leading heads of the world’s most important companies was so tremendous, that not all could be admitted. 883 delegates from 49 countries decided to lead the planet into a sustainable future by their joint efforts.
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Global decision makers: Corporate Responsibility is becoming more and more important

The Consumer Goods Forum recently released its latest Top of Mind Survey, which reveals the priorities of 345 key decision-makers in global retail and consumer goods companies across 46 countries. Priorities for the consumer goods industry: Companies continue to fight effects of the financial crisis, yet refuse to put social and environmental responsibilities on the back burner.
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Corporate Responsibility with Carton

In her presentation at the Pro Carton Congress in November 2009, Regina Schmidt, Partner in the Competence Center Consumer Goods & Retail at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, clearly emphasized why CR cannot be bypassed in the future.
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Sustainable effects

Sustainability and promotional effects are the innovation drivers in the packaging industry - one of the reasons why the cartonboard and folded box industries are expecting growth for next year. The first positive signs are on the horizon.
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Competitive advantages through intelligent packaging

The 8th Pro Carton Congress spans the bridge between sustainability, efficiency, creativity and promotional power. "Promoting brand values with sustainable packaging" is the credo for all those involved in the value chain.
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The Global Village

The global village is becoming more and more of an economic and ecological reality. It is virtually impossible to do anything without affecting many others in the process. Therefore, industry and trade intend to cooperate more closely in future to improve sustainability and respond faster to customers' needs.
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Revolution of the Authentic

Simonetta Carbonaro is creating quite a stir at the present, her ideas turning traditional marketing inside out. In search of values of the consumer society today she has discovered honesty, authenticity and diversity. Does not sound too new – and yet it is!
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The Global Village

The global village is becoming more and more of an economic and ecological reality. It is virtually impossible to do anything without affecting many others in the process. Therefore, industry and trade intend to cooperate more closely in future to improve sustainability and respond faster to customers' needs.
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Limbic Study – Emotional Packaging Sells! 6th March 2009

The "BrainPacs" Study conducted by Gruppe Nymphenburg Consult AG and commissioned by Pro Carton was published in German in 2008. The English version of the groundbreaking results is now available from Pro Carton: People make their decisions based on emotions. And significant for marketing: There are different emotional clusters one can (and should) choose from.  More...