headline press information

Date 25th February 2013 / www.procarton.com
Title Call for entries: Pro Carton/ECMA Award 2013
Text There is hardly a better opportunity for demonstrating the innovative power and creativity of cartons than the Pro Carton/ECMA Award, Europe's most significant award for carton packaging. All partners of the Supply Chain – cartonboard and carton industry, designers, brand owners and the trade – are cordially invited to participate, final date for entries is 6. June 2013. For download in print quality, please click on the photo.

The Pro Carton/ECMA Award is the stage where the best of Europe's packaging is on display. The recent decision to include all companies in supply chain has paid dividends: one of the three major awards, the Sustainability Award, went to the retailer REWE International. Response to the competition is growing year by year, as witnessed on the Pro Carton website www.procartonecmaaward.com and in numerous articles in the European press.


Since 2012 the award winning packaging and the finalists are on tour throughout Europe. Stops in 2012 included Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, London and Amsterdam, with further destinations being added for 2013. Besides providing relevant information on the award winners and finalists, the award brochure also gives background reports on the creation of the packaging - an important basis for anyone involved with packaging in practice. Every successful packaging tells its own exciting supply chain story.


A comprehensive PR and marketing package ensures that numerous media in Europe report on the award winners and finalists and that brand owners and the trade are informed about new options in packaging design:

  • Presentation of awards at the ECMA Congress in September 2013 in Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • High quality photos of all entries for the media
  • Videos of the jury sessions for each category
  • E-news to over 9,000 contacts in Europe: brand owners, retail trade and designers
  • Press releases to all important media in the Packaging Supply Chain throughout Europe
  • Publication on the websites www.procarton.com, www.procartonecmaaward.com, www.ecma.org
  • Award winning cartons are included in alternating presentations on www.procarton.com
  • Award brochure with all award winners, finalists and entries, printed in English language
    o All award winners with success story and jury comments
    o All finalists with a brief description
  • All News and the Award brochure are published in 5 languages at www.procartonecmaaward.com: English, French, Italian, German and Spanish
  • Awards for the winners and certificates for the finalists
  • Roadshow with cartons of the winners and finalists at fairs, congresses, events etc. across Europe?


The PR and marketing package is implemented by Pro Carton at a European level, the tools are available to all award winners and finalists for their own promotion. More and more finalists are using the award logo to attract attention. The greater the commitment of all members of the supply chain, the more effective the award as a marketing platform for each individual entry, and the more widespread the presentation of the participants in the media.


All partners in the Supply Chain are more than welcome to enter their most efficient and creative solutions - starting now on www.procartonecmaaward.com!



Entry form (PDF) and online entry in five European languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish) at www.procartonecmaaward.com. There are eight categories for entries.


Final date for entries: 6. June 2013
Presentation of awards: ECMA Congress, Dubrovnik, 19. September 2013

Pro Carton/ECMA Award Logo


Suzanne McEwen +43 1 218 6918 mcewen@procarton.com
Background Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.