headline press information

Date 30th August 2010 / www.procarton.com

“Cartons and Carbon Footprint” – new brochure from Pro Carton now available


Pro Carton’s latest brochure clearly explains cartonboard packaging’s approach to fossil and biogenic carbon. It describes the carbon footprint part of the cartonboard and carton industry’s strong environmental story and highlights the carbon benefits of choosing cartonboard packaging.

For download in print quality, please click on the photo.

The brochure begins by describing the improving environmental performance of the cartonboard and carton industry . Pro Carton’s data shows that the environmental performance of the industry is improving in all major impact categories and that the average carbon footprint of cartons has gone down by 7% in the last 3 years.

European forests used by the cartonboard industry are sustainable and the brochure describes how forest management and chain of custody certification demonstrate this. Sustainably managed forests contribute significantly to the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and mitigate the “greenhouse effect”. This process is measured in terms of biogenic carbon.

A new Report by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute describes a methodology for measuring biogenic carbon in cartons by relating the carbon benefits of its natural and renewable raw material, which comes from the forest, to cartons. (See Pro Carton’s June e-news bulletin for a description of the IVL’s Report “Carbon Footprint of Cartons in Europe”)¹.

Pro Carton’s brochure highlights the key conclusions of IVL’s Report : the demand for cartons improves carbon sequestration, choosing cartons promotes the use of renewable energy; and recycling cartons stores carbon and helps avoid emissions.

Despite the obvious carbon benefits of cartons’ raw material, there is no agreed method to include forest carbon in the carbon footprint of forest products such as cartons, and IVL’s Report contributes to the debate. The cartonboard and carton industry feels it is valid to examine this approach, which is consistent with the industry’s continuing interest in exploring systems to help improve its environmental performance.

¹The IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute report “Carbon Footprint of Cartons in Europe – Carbon Footprint methodology and biogenic carbon sequestration” by Elin Eriksson, Per-Erik Karlsson, Lisa Hallberg & Kristian Jelse can be downloaded as a pdf from:
www.procarton.com / Sustainability / Environment / Carbon Footprint - biogenic

Cartons and Carbon Footprint (PDF)

Click here to download a pdf of the brochure in English.

Richard Dalgleish +44 777 613 8510 dalgleish@procarton.com
Jennifer Buhaenko +44 1371 856 577 buhaenko@procarton.com
Background Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.