headline press information

Date 29th August 2012 / www.procarton.com
Title The finalists of the Pro Carton/ECMA Award 2012!
Text We can already present the finalists of the 16. Pro Carton/ECMA Awards. This year was the first time that entries were not limited to members of Pro Carton but were open to everyone in the supply chain – designers, manufacturers, the trade and brand owners. As a result, the finalists include prominent participants such as the brand "Yes. Naturally" Green Packaging (REWE) and designers such as Bandke Consulting or the Agency Bamberg. The winners will be presented on 20 September at the ECMA-Congress in Copenhagen. Do you have a favourite? For download in print quality, please click on the photo.
  This year, too, the entries made an excellent impression on the jury. The Award, which honours successful solutions already in production will thus again achieve its goal in its 16th year: to show a broad public that cartonboard is not only the most sustainable packaging material, but also highly creative and multi-faceted.

Here is an overview on the finalists in eight main categories from which the winners of each category will be judged as well as the "Carton of the Year" and the Awards "Most Innovative" and "Sustainability". The images and short briefs on all the finalists are available at www.procartonecmaaward.com. Here they are:

Beauty & Cosmetics
Small gift, big results: Beiersdorf mini essentials
Alternative range: Biocomplete
Curved lines: Pack Colección Bella Aurora
Sporting ribbon: strellson loaded

At the core of packaging: Coeur de cognac
Encore: Hendricks Curiositorium Gift Pack
Spotlight on Madonna: Madonna Smirnoff limited Edition
Sparkling packaging: Taittinger Rose Lens

Enchanting and practical: Adventskalender 2012
High quality brand design: Smarties Disney 3xGiant Tubes
Packaging on a trip around the world: Suitcase Sleeve, Toblerone 750 g
The sound of packaging: tic tac Fan-Rassel

Where less is more: ampoule packaging
Elegant additional benefit: case with integrated package insert
Carton in focus: premium carton with 3D lens for Chlorhexamed

Shelf ready & display packaging
The well-organised deep freezer: Ben & Jerry's 'Wich
Sustainable and stable: Speick Natural Face Display

All other food
Handy and fresh: Cupholder Müsli & Yoghurt
It had tob e cartonboard: Green Packaging for Yes! Naturally
Sparkling delight: Gü Ramekins Christmas 2011
Hot, hot, hot: Termo Astuccio "Frusta Sorrentina"

All other non food
Clear message: Claro View Polar
Sustainability in high doses: folded box with dispenser and tamper-evident closure for Schneckenkorn
Experience information: box for credit cards
Prestige counts : Mercedes SL Espresso cup set packaging

Volume market cartons
Cartonboard in perfection: Bacofoil Classic 30 cm
Double fun: McDonald's Share Box

As always, the jury members represented different areas of the supply chain:

  • Design: John Parsons, Executive Chairman SiebertHead, Agency for Brand and Packaging Design
  • Branded goods industry: Stan Akkermans, Mars Inc., European responsibility for purchasing for all packaging design and innovation agencies
  • Trade: Andreas Nolte, owner of several EDEKA-Nolte aktiv supermarkets, Germany
  • Packaging industry: Special Advisor to the Jury Peter Klein Sprokkelhorst, consultant to the packaging industry

There is considerably more know-how in some of these packs than first meets the eye. Jury chairman John Parsons: "The jury was always very curious about the story behind the packaging and the product of an entry. Some of the most simple solutions as well as the more complex solutions "revealed" intricate production processes and production innovations which improve the features, processing and handling. It was a pleasure to see that innovations and new ideas on carton packaging not only came from marketing, but also from the fields of printing and production technology, as well as finishing and design of packaging material."

The award winners and finalists will again be going on tour with a roadshow to various trade fairs and events across Europe. If you are interested in having the roadshow locally, please contact us directly.

Tell us who your personal favourites are: an e-mail to mcewen@procarton.com is all you need. Three originals of the "Carton of the Year" will be drawn from all correct answers!

At present, the finalists and, after 20 September, also the winners, will be documented on the website of Pro Carton/ECMA Awards (www.procartonecmaaward.com): with short videos of the jury discussions on the individual categories, with print-ready photos and comments by the jury as well as success stories.

Jury: Peter Klein Sprokkelhorst, John Parsons (SiebertHead), Andreas Nolte (EDEKA), Stan Akkermans (Mars)
Jury: Peter Klein Sprokkelhorst, John Parsons (SiebertHead), Andreas Nolte (EDEKA), Stan Akkermans (Mars)



Suzanne McEwen +43 676 424 46 37 mcewen@procarton.com
Background Pro Carton is the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers. Its main purpose is to promote the use of cartons and cartonboard to brand owners, the trade as well as designers, the media and politicians as an economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.