AWARDS: European Carton Excellence Award, Pro Carton Young Designers Award and Pro Carton Student Video Award

The E-vent – in bite size chunks!

For those that might have missed it, or those that want to see it again, the 2020 Carton E-vent and Awards is now available to view in discrete sections on the Pro Carton website. 

What an E-vent!

Though we couldn’t meet in person, it really was a pleasure to bring the industry together once again to celebrate the fantastic work and ongoing innovation within the carton and cartonboard industry.

Register for the 2020 Carton E-vent & Awards

The 2020 Carton E-vent & Awards will take place on October 7th 2020. You can register to attend now.

2020 Awards – Superb response!

In this rather extraordinary year the cartonboard and carton industry has been busier than ever. As an essential provider of packaging for the supply of daily consumer goods, and with office staff largely confined to their homes, they had their work cut out.

European Carton Excellence Award: new entry date and digital entry

Due to the restrictions in working practices we have made some minor changes to the rules and the closing date has been extended by two weeks to 5th June to allow you a little more time to submit your entries.

European Carton Excellence Awards: Your Chance to Win!

The European Carton Excellence Award is Europe’s greatest showcase for outstanding cartonboard packaging. All partners of the supply chain are welcome to enter. Final date for entry is the 21st May 2020. See here what last year’s winners had to say!

Exciting new video award!

Following the huge success of the Pro Carton Young Designers Award, which has now become one of the biggest student creative design competitions in Europe, we are delighted to announce our new award scheme aimed at marketing, media studies, business and film students.

ECMA Annual Congress 2020 will be held in Krakow, Poland

The ECMA Annual Congress will be held in Krakow, Poland on 17th and 18th September 2020 with the theme of “Sustainability Unboxed".

Pro Carton wins European Award

Pro Carton’s TICCIT initiative has won the 2019 European Paper Recycling Award (EPRC) for Information and Education.

Pro Carton – Museum of Brands competition T&Cs

Pro Carton Museum of Brands Competition to win family tickets to Museum of Brands, London, UK is now open

Museum of Brands – Come to see our new exhibition for free!

This year, for the first time, we have organised a special exhibition of the entries to the “Save the Planet” category in the Carton Excellence Awards with the Museum of Brands in London.

United Nations of PCYDA

The Pro Carton Young Designers Award, now in its second decade, continues to grow unabated. Each year new countries are added to the list of those presenting their own national awards.