Various papers and communications regarding EU policy that are relevant to our industry. The information comes from a variety of sources including the European Commission, CITPA – who represent the interests of the European Paper and Board converting industry (Pro Carton are Associate Members) and Cepi – the Confederation of European Paper Industries.

European Parliament AGRI Committee adopts balanced report on the EU Forest Strategy

On Monday, the European Parliament Agriculture and Rural Development Committee adopted MEP Petri Sarvamaa's (EPP/FI) own initiative report on the European Forest Strategy

Response to the EU Consultation on Green Claims

Pro Carton combined with other paper-based associations to respond to the EU Commission on green claims while improvements they would like to see in the PEF) Product Environmental Footprint) methodology.

Key Statistics 2019 – European pulp and paper industry

Cepi have published their 2019 key statistics report on the European Pulp and Paper industry.

Joint feedback on EU Roadmap on packaging waste

Pro Carton along with other associations support the Commission’s ambition to contribute to the circular economy through the review of the requirements for packaging and packaging waste. The review should also ensure that the proposed preventive measures will support the functioning of the internal market and free movement of packaging and packaged goods while avoiding the possible negative impact on the environment. Feedback to the EU Inception Impact Assessment on the initiative “Review of the requirements for packaging and other measures to prevent packaging waste” can be read in the Members Area

Ecorys’ FCM report

Ecorys’ report entitled “Study supporting the Evaluation of Food Contact Materials (FCM) legislation” has now been published. The study provides an analysis of the current EU legislative framework for FCM. Five main materials are considered a priority by stakeholders: printing inks, paper and board, silicones, varnishes and coatings, and rubber. Positive lists already exist in several Member States for these materials and there is extensive knowledge on these substances within the industry.

Reply from EU to Cepi letter on SUPD

The EU Commission have replied to a letter from Cepi challenging the draft Single Use Products Directive.

Forest-based products important for climate mitigation

A new study from Cepi, “Climate effect of the forest-based sector in the European Union”, shows that forests and forest-based products remove a net of 806 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually. This corresponds to 20% of all fossil emissions in the European Union. Jori Ringman, Director General at Cepi, called for EU policies that support consumers to move from high-carbon products to low-carbon forest-based products.

European forest industry calls for EU support

In light of the European Commission’s expected announcement of which business ecosystems will be targeted by the European Recovery Plan and new Industrial Strategy for Europe, the partners of the forest-based sector have sent a proposal to EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, to include the European Forest-based Industries Ecosystem as one of the ecosystems eligible for support in the plan.

More than 2 million!

Members of the Fiber Shield coalition have now donated more than two million face shields to protect key workers around the world.

Call for modification of SUPD definitions

Pro Carton, ECMA, Cepi and other industry associations call for modification of definitions to the terms “plastic” and “a main structural component” used in the Single Use Plastic Directive (EU 2019/904).


Medical professionals across Europe have been facing shortages of crucial protective supplies, including face shields. Our industry is stepping up, by designing and manufacturing folding carton face shields; and making the designs available for all to use.

Key workers

A short video about key workers at Alexir Partnership and Iggesund, produced in conjunction with BPIF Cartons.