Various papers and communications regarding EU policy that are relevant to our industry. The information comes from a variety of sources including the European Commission, CITPA – who represent the interests of the European Paper and Board converting industry (Pro Carton are Associate Members) and Cepi – the Confederation of European Paper Industries.

Cushioning the impact of skyrocketing energy prices on the European wood fibre-based value chain beyond winter 2022/2023

Joint statement on the emergency measures to tackle dramatic energy price rises.

#GreenSource Perception Study – we value our members’ input!

Pro Carton members are invited to give their feedback on the #GreenSource campaign.

Fachpack 2022: “It finally feels like a normal trade fair again!”

Some 32,000 visitors came to Fachpack 2022 last week where Pro Carton and FFI shared a stand.

Recycling A Key Contributor to EU Green Deal: 4evergreen Event Highlights

Recycling is a key contributor to EU Green Deal: 4evergreen Event Highlights

See you at Fachpack 2022 in Nuremberg. Register Now!

Pro Carton is delighted to be represented at 3 leading Industry Events this September: EuroPack Summit, ECMA Congress and Fachpack 2022

4evergreen Alliance: Understanding the Challenges of Collection and Sorting

The environmental impact of production, use, and disposal of increasing quantities of packaging waste has highlighted the need for more efficient collection and sorting systems.

4evergreen Alliance Invitation: THE CIRCULARITY CHALLENGE: How Recycling Contributes Towards the European Green Deal

The 4evergreen Alliance is pleased to invite you to the hybrid conference: “The Circularity Challenge: How Recycling Contributes Towards the European Green Deal”

4evergreen Alliance. A Journey through recycling of Fibre-Based Packaging

Recycling is one of the pillars to reach a more circular and sustainable future. When it comes to packaging, fibre-based packaging has the highest recyclability rate in Europe.

A Very Busy 2022!

Winfried Muehling, General Manager of Pro Carton, takes a look back at a very busy first half of 2022 and looks forward to some major events that are coming up in 2022.

EU Green Deal: Consumer participation is key to reach circularity

A Pro Carton EU Green Week themed roundtable, run in association with Packaging Europe, saw a host of industry experts examine the role of fibre-based packaging in the pursuit of a circular economy.

The Paper value chain is ready to take circularity to a new level with 2030 recycling rate target

Representatives of the European paper value chain have pledged to recycle 76% of all paper consumed by 2030

Call for evidence opens, on the Tobacco Products Directive

ECMA Position paper submitted to the European Commission focuses on the risk of increased counterfeit, if tobacco packaging is simplified.