LEGISLATION: EU Policy & Legislation Relevant to the Cartonboard and Carton Industries.

Pro Carton’s commitment to #GreenSource, 4evergreen, Fibre Packaging Europe – Aligning forces to increase leverage

An Initiative, an Alliance and a Coalition overviewed: #GreenSource, 4evergreen and Fibre Packaging Europe.

4evergreen alliance launches landmark industry tool to assess fibre-based packaging recyclability

The 4evergreen alliance publishes the beta version of its Fibre-Based Packaging Recyclability Evaluation Protocol, part one for standard mills.

Europen explains what to expect from new EU rules on Packaging and Packaging Waste (PPWR)

The European Commission published the second part of its Circular Economy package introducing its proposal for the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD).

Cepi welcomes European Commission’s fossil-averse proposal on carbon removal certification

The proposal for a regulation on carbon removal certification released by the European Commission recognises several essential principles.

Revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Legislation (PPWR)

The European Commission has released their proposal for revising the Packaging & Packaging Waste Legislation and have confirmed that this will become a Regulation.

New study shows paper industry could increase on-site renewable electricity and heat generation by 2030

New Cepi study shows paper industry could increase on-site renewable electricity and heat generation by 2030

ECMA Statement on Direct Food Contact Inks

ECMA releases a statement on Direct Food Contact Inks for Packaging

Pro Carton will present at Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo – Amsterdam

Pro Carton is delighted to be presenting on both days at Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo - Amsterdam

Draft EU Commission proposal for the revision of the PPWD released

Draft EU Commission proposal for the revision of the PPWD has been released

Renewable, biogenic carbon should be favoured by the future EU certification scheme for carbon removals

Cepi writes to Mrs Ursula Van der Leyen, President, European Commission re: Devastating impact of unbearably high energy prices on European pulp and paper industry

CITPA research on available brand commitments to reduce/avoid packaging

An update on the latest status of global brand owners in addressing the "circular economy" in their packaging strategy.

Eunomia Negative List

Packaging characteristics (materials or components or features) Negative list for recycling.