The New ECMA President speaks

Jean-François Roche is Vice President Sales, Consumer Packaging Europe at Graphic Packaging International, he’s an exuberant Frenchman with a clear vision to lead ECMA into the next decade.

Sustainability drives sales

Sustainability generates up to 13 per cent of sales in terms of explanatory content. This is confirmed by a new study conducted by Serviceplan Corporate Reputation communication agency.

Marketing high in the skies

New catering and retailing concepts in the skies require new marketing concepts.

10 Top Trends of 2016: The Internet World of Packaging

The world is one big shopping centre. POS is everywhere. Pro Carton has looked at the 10 most important international trends.

Packaging provides billions of effective advertising contacts

The Touchpoint study demonstrates the high contact frequency of packaging and proves its value for marketing in figures.

The future belongs to cartonboard

"It is generally acknowledged that cartonboard is the most sustainable type of packaging. We have intensified our efforts to expound on this advantage." Roland Rex, President von Pro Carton, summarises the situation and takes a look at the future.

The Online Extremist

Pro Carton has followed the developments in e-commerce from the beginning and taken a closer look at the strategy of the world's most innovative retailer in the foods business.

The retail trade wants cartons

Multi-channel is changing retail structures – and this also affects packaging. As a consequence, Pro Carton commissioned the EHI Retail Institute to conduct the following study.

Trends 2015: sustainability and individuality

Every year Pro Carton compiles the most important trends of leading institutes for research into the future in terms of packaging.

The Multichannel Challenge

All speakers at the ECMA Pro Carton Congress agreed in unison: every partner in the Packaging Supply Chain needs to work together quickly and intensively to jointly drive this development.

Re-imagining business

"We don't just have to get better, we need to be really good“, said Tim "Mac“ Macartney at the ECMA Pro Carton Congress: only one hundred per cent sustainability in all areas will change the future.

Global Food Trends

As part of a world tour "World Tour by SIAL“ by the French Food Fair SIAL, 28 media from across the globe have determined three food trends in their regions. From these, the French retail expert, Olivier Dauvers, has distilled eight global trends for innovation in the food sector. Pro Carton is privileged to present them here.