PRO CARTON: Activities, interviews and publications.

Entry now open for the European Carton Excellence Award!

Cartonboard and Cartons lead the way to circularity in packaging.

You are invited to the ECMA Annual Congress and announcement of the European Carton Excellence Awards 2022

Save the Date! The ECMA Annual Congress and announcement of the European Carton Excellence Awards 2022 will take place in Krakow, Poland on 15 & 16 September 2022.

Fibre Packaging Europe supports ambitions and plan towards a more circular and climate-neutral economy

Recyclable single-use paper and board packaging as a leading circular and sustainable solution in a climate-neutral economy

Fibre Packaging Europe supports measures to boost packaging recycling across Europe

Fibre Packaging Europe supports measures to boost packaging recycling across Europe

Pro Carton features in Pap’ Argus 386 Magazine

'Think about recyclability when designing your packaging' says Winfried Muehling.

Neue FFI Blitzumfrage: Kunden sollten Bedarfe an Faltschachteln zukünftig realistischer planen

New FFI flash survey: Customers should plan folding carton requirements more realistically in the future

EU trade desk to support Pro Carton Members building business in Iran

Due Diligence Helpdesk and free of charge services available to Pro Carton members looking to build business in Iran

Pro Carton relaunches website for ‘exciting new era’ of sustainable packaging

Pro Carton launches its website with a refreshed new look. The updated website provides users with a revamped digital platform designed to showcase the merits of carton and cartonboard as the most economically and ecologically balanced packaging medium.

Heidelberg joins 4evergreen

Heidelberg affirms its commitment to environmentally friendly products and technologies by joining the international alliance 4evergreen.

Have a word! Students gather to support campaign to get ‘cartonboard’ into the Oxford English Dictionary

Students gather around Pro Carton's giant cartonboard dictionary, supporting their campaign to get the word cartonboard into the Oxford English Dictionary


The TICCIT program (Trees Into Cartons Cartons Into Trees) teaches children that trees are a sustainable crop, just like fruit and vegetables.  TICCIT highlights the many uses for trees and paper-based packaging, and it underscores the importance of recycling. 

Thanks, goodbye and good luck.

It was almost five years ago that I agreed to become General Manager of Pro Carton. I like to think we’ve come a long way in that time, but it couldn’t have been done without the team behind me.