PRO CARTON: Activities, interviews and publications.

Merry Christmas!

First and foremost may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! It’s also a time to reflect and I’d again like to pass on my personal thanks to everybody within the carton and cartonboard industry.

Ravensbourne University Student Chloe De La Fontaine picks up packaging design prize

The winner of the UK Young Designers award that promotes young talent in the packaging industry has been named as Ravensbourne University student, Chloe De La Fontaine by BPIF Cartons, the UK association representing the carton and cartonboard industry.

4evergreen online launch event & panel debate

Invitation to 4evergreen online launch event & panel debate - 25.11.2020 @ 15:00

Pro Carton PROPAK Austria Young Designers Award-Preisträger: Leuchtende Gesichter

Die Freude bei der Verleihung der österreichischen Pro Carton PROPAK Austria Young Designers Awards war auch in diesem Jahr groß: Die jungen DesignerInnen haben damit den ersten Schritt auf der Karriereleiter erfolgreich bewältigt. Die Vergabe der Preise wurde auf Puls 4 und 24 gesendet. nosic

France celebrates its prize winners

In a joint ceremony in France, the successful designers of the Pro Carton Young Designers Award and the European Carton Excellence Award were honoured.

Free Tickets!

All the winners from the European Carton Excellence Awards 2020 will be on display at the Museum of Brands in Notting Hill, London, from 12 October 2020. 

Museum of Brands, London, showcasing all 2020 ECEA Award winners!

Pro Carton display celebrates innovation in environmentally-friendly carton packaging at the Museum of Brands in London.

“Pro Carton – KASAD Young Designers Award’20” – the winners

In the award ceremony held by KASAD (Cartonboard Packaging Manufacturers Association) for the first time, 3 winners were awarded TL 7,500 each, and 6 honourable mentions were awarded TL 1,000 each.

Pro Carton adverts feature in The Times and The Guardian newspapers

Pro Carton are running an advert in The Future of Packaging supplement in The Times newspaper and in the Sustainable Packaging supplement in The Guardian newspaper on Friday 18th September. 

GreenSource promotes forest-fibre

Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, and EPIS, the European Pulp Industry Sector Association present their #GreenSource initiative, a European-wide effort to explain how the forest-fibre industries make the 2050 climate neutrality target a reality.

The Pro Carton website – a popular resource!

We are sure that many of you reading this newsletter are regular visitors to the Pro Carton website. But what you probably won’t know is that the Pro Carton sites had 142,000 hits last year, with over 100,000 unique visitors!