SUSTAINABILITY: Cartonboard & Cartons Life Cycle, Forest Management, Cartonboard & Carton Production, Recycling, Energy & Water Resources, Carbon Footprint.

Luxury potatoes packaged responsibly – Metsä Board Corporation

A plastic-reducing alternative to potato packaging - easily recyclable and biodegradable packaging made of a lightweight and durable paperboard produced by Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group.

New fluorine-free grease barrier from FOLBB

Pro Carton member FOLBB has developed a new innovative barrier quality with a completely fluorine-free grease barrier


The TICCIT program (Trees Into Cartons Cartons Into Trees) teaches children that trees are a sustainable crop, just like fruit and vegetables.  TICCIT highlights the many uses for trees and paper-based packaging, and it underscores the importance of recycling. 

Greensource Activity update

#Greensource social media activity and forward plans can be found in this update.

European paper industry delivers on emission reduction and recycling commitments

Paper value chain lives up to its commitment as recycling rate reaches 73.9% in 2020.

3 billion more trees!

European forests have grown by over 50,000 km² in the last 15 years ...

PEFC Webinar – Responsibly-Sourced Packaging

PEFC is hosting a webinar on Thursday 8 July for those looking to learn more about the role of certified paper packaging in the circular economy.

Comparative materials study

Pro Carton has commissioned a study that compares the carbon footprint of cartonboard based packaging against plastic alternatives. Four products have been compared, one in a predominantly plastic pack and one in cartonboard across three food products and one non-food item.

Sustainability still a key issue for Consumers

A major research report undertaken by Prospectus Global, on behalf of Pro Carton, has shown that, despite the pressures of COVID-19, environmental issues are very much at the forefront of consumers’ thinking.

REINVEST2050 demonstrates industry commitment to support climate neutrality

Cepi have presented the third edition of its project REINVEST2050

Q&A from ECMA – Pro Carton Webinar – Tuesday 11th May

There was not time to answer all Q&A during the webinar, but we are pleased to be able to answer questions from the webinar here

Forest Sustainability Report

The International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) has released its biennial Sustainability Progress Report which demonstrates strong progress in seven key areas of sustainability.