SUSTAINABILITY: Cartonboard & Cartons Life Cycle, Forest Management, Cartonboard & Carton Production, Recycling, Energy & Water Resources, Carbon Footprint.

Pro Carton wins European Award

Pro Carton’s TICCIT initiative has won the 2019 European Paper Recycling Award (EPRC) for Information and Education.

Excellent Carbon Footprint result

The recently published Pro Carton Carbon Footprint for Carton Packaging report demonstrated that the carton industry is not only reducing its CO2 emissions but, in declaring a very low carbon footprint of 326kg CO2 per tonne of converted cartons, that its environmental impact is much less than most other packaging materials.

From the desk of the General Manager

It’s certainly interesting times to be working in the packaging industry. The carton industry is slowly benefitting from a gradual move away from some plastics.

Cartons increase turnover!

How products affect the buyer depends not least on the packaging material. This is shown by a study conducted by the Justus Liebig University in Giessen.

From the desk of the General Manager

It’s certainly interesting times to be working in the packaging industry. The carton industry is slowly benefitting from a gradual move away from some plastics.

Print & Paper: Myths & Facts

Two Sides have updated their Print & Paper; Myths & Facts report about the European Paper Industry.

Print & Paper: Myths & Facts

Two Sides have updated their Print & Paper; Myths & Facts report about the European Paper Industry.

What does Pro Carton do?

Hopefully you are aware of the major activities that Pro Carton undertake as part of our task to promote the benefits of cartons and cartonboard but you may not be aware of some of the other activities that Pro Carton get involved in and we thought it might be interesting to share some of these with you.

The Circular Economy for Kids!

One of the great things about TICCIT is that it teaches children about the circular economy but without them even knowing it!

Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs Update

We have been following developments on the Single Use Plastic legislation moving through the European Commission and how it might impact on the carton industry.

Sustainability – a concept from yesterday or for tomorrow?

At the Pro Carton/PROPAK Austria Marketing Event in October 2018, Fairtrade Managing Director Hartwig Kirner made it clear that the recycling economy of the future has already begun.

So what do shoppers really think?

The results of Pro Carton’s European Consumer Packaging Perceptions study were first previewed in the latest edition of the Pro Carton magazine and at the ECMA Congress back in September. The printed research report now has been published and is also available for download from our website. The research clearly showed the enormous importance that […]