SUSTAINABILITY: Cartonboard & Cartons Life Cycle, Forest Management, Cartonboard & Carton Production, Recycling, Energy & Water Resources, Carbon Footprint.

Cartons: a perfect example of the Circular Economy

The concept of the Circular Economy is to optimise the use of natural resources by encouraging recycling, eco-design and waste prevention, among other measures: Cartonboard packaging, is at the forefront of putting these aims into practice.

Sustainable European paper and board industry

CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) has published its latest report on the sustainability of the European pulp, paper and board industries. It shows that the whole industry, including cartonboard packaging, is focusing on innovation and resource efficiency while advancing the bio-based economy.

New Technology – new Pro Carton website

Consumer behaviour is changing as more consumers adopt a digital life-style. In this context, packaging plays a very important role in transmitting quality and brand values of a product, first on a screen and then at home when the physical product is delivered.Consumer behaviour is changing as more consumers adopt a digital life-style. In this context, packaging plays a very important role in transmitting quality and brand values of a product, first on a screen and then at home when the physical product is delivered. Today, Pro Carton launches a new website which shows how cartonboard packaging is the ideal medium for this role, by enabling intelligent packaging solutions which are creative and innovative, on a sustainable substrate.

Comparing the latest ISO specifications with Pro Carton’s carbon footprint

ISO/TS 14067 – “Carbon Footprint of Products: Requirements and Guidelines for Quantification and Communication”, was released in May. It was intended to be an ISO Standard but after years of discussion, it evolved into a Technical Specification and will be reviewed in around three years time.
Pro Carton’s published carbon footprint figure of 915 kg CO2eq / tonne of cartons* is based on a methodology developed by the paper and board industry in 2007 with reference to international standards, so Pro Carton decided to see how its current methodology compares to the new specifications.

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25 years Pro Carton: looking into the future

For 25 years, Pro Carton has been tasked with communicating the benefits of cartonboard and cartons. The entire Packaging Supply Chain is supplied with current information and studies. The anniversary was the occasion for a festive gala evening on 19. September in Dubrovnik, at which President Roland Rex looked at the coming 25 years.

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The sustainability of packaging in the retail trade

Guido Fuchs is Project Manager Sustainability at the Coop Genossenschaft in Basel with a focus on sustainability in the non-food segment, the sustainability of packaging, recycling and waste. As an expert on sustainability in the retail trade he has made a name for himself well beyond the borders of Switzerland. Pro Carton spoke to him about his objectives.

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Continual Improvement

Consumers today want to know more about what they are buying and the environmental and social impact of their choices. This is especially so when it comes to the sustainability of the food supply chain and preventing food waste. Packaging has a positive message here for consumers.


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Leadership for change at scale

Serving 15 million customers in Europe every day requires a lot of packaging – but the iconic packaging at McDonald's is becoming a poster child for sustainability. "We have a pioneering spirit at McDonald's", says Jacqui Macalister, responsible for sustainability in McDonald's European Supply Chain "we want to be on the leading edge of developments". Pro Carton asked her what the McDonald's packaging team is currently focusing on…

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“Cartonboard Packaging : A Resource and Carbon Efficient Packaging Solution”. New brochure from Pro Carton now available

Pro Carton’s latest brochure explains cartonboard packaging’s approach to Sustainability, Resource Efficiency and Carbon Footprint. It demonstrates that cartons have a strong environmental story to tell and highlights the carbon benefits of choosing cartonboard packaging.

Click here to download a pdf of the brochure in English

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The rise of new values

A brand new study by UK retailer Sainsbury's clearly shows: despite austerity measures, consumers are not willing to sacrifice sustainability and expect appropriate solutions from trade and industry. The study outlines five new consumer trends which all have one thing in common: they strengthen the role of packaging, especially that of cartons.

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Pro Carton’s good environmental story continues …

  • Carbon Footprint is now 915 kg fossil CO₂ e/tonne
  • The new updated figure shows a reduction of by 5% in 3 years
Since 2005, Pro Carton has regularly gathered and reported data on the environmental impact of the production processes of European cartonboard and cartons. The latest report presents Life Cycle data from 2011 which includes virgin and recycled fibre cartonboard and printed cartons.

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Paper and board is the most recycled packaging material in Europe

Paper and board including cartonboard achieved a recycling rate of 78% in 2010. It’s the most recycled packaging material in Europe, according to CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) calculations using Eurostat data. This latest data continues an upward trend from 63.8% achieved in 2000 and 73.3% achieved in 2005, and far exceeds the 60% target set by the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.

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