SUSTAINABILITY: Cartonboard & Cartons Life Cycle, Forest Management, Cartonboard & Carton Production, Recycling, Energy & Water Resources, Carbon Footprint.

Ask the Expert: Ecodesign

In the first issue of the new series "Ask the Expert" Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wimmer answered questions by Pro Carton members. Wimmer is professor at the Technical University Vienna and founder and managing partner of the Ecodesign Company Engineering & Management Consultancy GmbH located in Vienna, Seoul and Ottawa. He is an expert on solutions for systematically developing products with a new balance between economics and ecology.
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Study: Ethical Consumption

A new study by the Hamburg Trend Bureau shows: ethical consumption will also show above average growth in the future. In spite of the present economic crisis it has the potential of becoming one of tomorrow's key drivers. The topic sustainability has also become firmly established in industry.
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Pro Carton Study: Is Sustainability in Packaging Important?

Consumer Attitudes on Packaging & Sustainability: An new report, commissioned from GfK by Pro Carton, shows unequivocally that Sustainability in packaging is important and consumers are interested in, and concerned about this issue. Over 64% of respondents said that packaging should consist of environmentally friendly materials and over 55% felt that packaging should contain as little plastic as possible.
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Tentacles of Growth

Despite the heavy toll of a global recession, there are areas showing promise within the packaging and converting industries. Richard Dalgleish, managing director of Pro Carton, European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers, talks to PCI about raw materials, the resilience of the cartonboard industry and its prospects for the future.
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New “Cartons/Environment” Website

Pro Carton is pleased to announce the launch of a new section on its website: "Cartons/Environment”. The site is designed to be an easy way to find out simple answers to basic questions about cartons and the environment. It is available as a title on the Menu bar on the Pro Carton Home Page, but to access the “Cartons/Environment” site now: Click on this "Cartons/Environment"-link.
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European Carton Industry reduces carbon footprint by 7 % in 3 years

The European cartonboard and carton industry has achieved significant improvements in its environmental performance, according to a Life Cycle Impact Assessment commissioned by Pro Carton. The European industry average carbon footprint was reduced by 7% and improvements were also recorded in other impact categories.
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Sustainable Packaging from a Consumer’s Perspective

First insights on the new GfK study on the topic "Consumer Attitudes on the Sustainability of Packaging" to be presented at the 8. Pro Carton Congress on the 25th and 26th November 2009 at the Congress Center Düsseldorf.
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The Next Generation

Sustainability via "eco-intelligent" products
At the Pro Carton Marketing Event 2009 in Vienna, Wolfgang Wimmer and Stefan Gara presented a preview of the subjects they will be presenting at the International Pro Carton Congress in Düsseldorf in the End of November. With a clear message: that the changing environment may result in radical changes to business models and that it pays handsome dividends to take this into account.
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Outlook on Carbon Reduction

First indications from a European new study just completed by Pro Carton showed that less fossil fuels were used in 2008 in cartonboard mills’ production and more biomass was used, than in 2005. Details of the study which will be published by the end of November will show: less consumption of fossil resources and a decrease in CO2 emissions.
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Fit for the Future

How to promote the advance of sustainable packaging innovation? Numerous top experts will supply answers to this question at the 8th Pro Carton Trade Congress.

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The Next Generation:

Sustainability via "eco-intelligent" products
The Pro Carton Marketing Event 2009 clearly demonstrated that the changing environment may result in radical changes to business models and that it pays handsome dividends to take this into account. Both speakers will give an extended version of their presentation at the International Pro Carton Congress in November in Düsseldorf.
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Sustainable Products & Packaging

Pro Carton presents itself on 24th September 2009 on the "Naturkosmetik-Branchenkongress" in Nürnberg (Germany) with spectacular packaging examples for sustainable products and sustainable packaging.
Congress Website