- Carton Converter: E. Gundlach Verpackung GmbH
- Brand Owner: Nestlé Erzeugnisse GmbH
- Structural Designer: E. Gundlach Verpackung GmbH
- Graphic Designer: Klis Design
- Cartonboard Manufacturer: Stora Enso
- European Carton Excellence Awards
This entry is printed in 6 colours on the front with dispersion lacquer and 2 colours on the reverse. The cartonboard used is Neocart from Stora Enso. The inks were specially chosen to ensure no interference with the quality of the chocolate and the carton is machine erected and filled with the lid being placed on manually.
Jury Comments
This After Eight carton created surprise and offered simplicity of use. It worked first time every time and provided an easy to use and attractive presentation of the contents. A seemingly rectangular box converts with a simple pull of a tab into an eye catching shape that enhances still further the quality of the chocolates.