Morsi di Luce
- Carton Converter: Cartografica Pusterla SpA
- Brand Owner: Duca di Salaparuta
- Structural Designer: House Agency Duca di Salaparuta (Agenzia Interna Duca di Salaparuta)
- Graphic Designer: House Agency Duca di Salaparuta (Agenzia Interna Duca di Salaparuta)
- Cartonboard Manufacturer: Cartiera di Cordenons
- European Carton Excellence Awards 2008
Jury Comments
None of the Jury had ever seen a pack of this type before and felt therefore that it was a truly innovative design. The simple way the carton is opened by removing the band and then unrolling the pack created a surprise but was intuitive. They felt that despite it being comparatively lightweight, protection would be assured and the quality of the print and finish was perfect in the competitive beverages market where it would certainly appeal to consumers. They also felt that in view of its innovative design, it would appeal as an impulse or gift purchase.