This design for Chinese food or sushi is simple but has a number of interesting elements. The packages are delivered flat to the point of sale and can be quickly and easily manually erected.
After the food has been put in the carton, chopsticks can be placed through slots on the top flaps so closing the carton and making it easily and safely transportable. This also has the benefit of providing food along with the means of eating it. The judges also commented on the elegance and comparative simplicity of the design that is eye catching and effective.
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Jury Comments
This design for Chinese food or sushi is simple but has a number of interesting elements. The packages are delivered flat to the point of sale and can be quickly and easily manually erected. After the food has been put in the carton, chopsticks can be placed through slots on the top flaps so closing the carton and making it easily and safely transportable. This also has the benefit of providing food along with the means of eating it. The judges also commented on the elegance and comparative simplicity of the design that is eye catching and effective.