- Carton Converter: Edelmann GmbH & Co. KG
- Brand Owner: Südzucker AG Mannheim
- Structural Designer: Carl Edelmann GmbH & Co. KG
- Graphic Designer: Südzucker AG Mannheim
- Cartonboard Manufacturer: Stora Enso Baienfurt GmbH & Co. KG
- Pro Carton Young Designers Award
Jury Comments
An excellent example of a carton replacing packaging made from an alternative material that offers a range of benefits. The carton holds the same quantity of sugar as the previous pack but is made from a single piece of cartonboard rather that from two pieces of plastic and one sheet of paper that was inserted into the plastic container. The jury was convinced that packing would be far simpler with a carton and recovery and recycling would be much more convenient as the packaging was now in a mono material. In summary an excellent sustainable solution.